
👑  Crown

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👑 Emoji Meaning

This emoji represents a crown and is often used to symbolize power, authority, or someone who is a "king" or "queen".

👑 Meaning and explanation


The 👑 emoji represents a crown with multiple prongs and gems. It is often used to symbolize power, dominance, leadership, and excellence.


The crown emoji is often used in contexts related to power, wealth, authority, and leadership. It can be used to express dominance, excellence, and success. It can also be used to refer to a "queen" or "king" in a metaphorical sense, or to congratulate someone who has achieved remarkable success.


The crown emoji 👑 was introduced as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and later added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

The crown as a physical object has a long history and has been worn by monarchs since ancient times as a symbol of their power and authority.

How to use

This emoji can be used in a variety of contexts. Here are a few examples:

"You're the king of the tennis court. 👑"
"Congratulations on winning the championship. 👑"
"Live your life like a king. 👑"


🤴: Prince, this emoji represents a prince and is often used in combination with the crown to represent royal lineage or authority.
👸: Princess, this emoji represents a princess and is often used with the crown to represent royal lineage or authority.
🏰: Castle, this emoji is often used to represent the residence of a king or queen, similar to how the crown represents their authority.

Compared to these emojis, the crown emoji 👑 is specific in its meaning and is used more to symbolize power, rule, and excellence.

👑 Other names

The emoji is also known by the following names.

  • 👑 King
  • 👑 Queen
  • 👑 Royal

Popular name:

👑 Crown

👑 Emotional Classification

First, we take a look at the basic emotion, the core of the emoji's nature. Then we will look at the secondary emotions that the emoji can evoke in us.

Basic Emotions
  • Joy
  • Love
Secondary Emotions
  • proud
  • happy
  • satisfied

👑 Examples and how to use

In this section, we examine the emotional impact of emojis. We will use examples to show how emojis can evoke different emotions in the reader depending on the context.


Basic emotion example

He is the undisputed master of his trade. 👑

Associated feelings
  • clear
  • admiring
  • enthusiastic

Basic emotion example

His arrogance makes him think he is the king of the world. 👑🌍

Associated feelings
  • upset
  • disapproving
  • angry

Basic emotion example

He treated her like a queen. 👑💕

Associated feelings
  • accepting
  • trusting
  • in love
👑 General Information
Category Objects




KeywordsKing, Queen, Crown
Unicode-Version Unicode 6.0
Emoji-Version Emoji 1.0