Part alternation mark

  Part Alternation Mark

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Emoji Meaning

This emoji represents part of a song lyric and is often used to symbolize music, singing, or artistic expression.

Meaning and explanation


The 〽️ emoji represents the "partial change" character. It resembles the shape of the letter "M".


The "part change" emoji is often used in music and literature to indicate the beginning of a new section or part. In Japan, this emoji is also used in text and writing to indicate the beginning of a new part. In addition, it is often associated with the car brand "Mazda" because it looks very similar to the Mazda logo.

Origin and cultural differences

The "part change" emoji 〽️ was introduced as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and later added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

The symbol itself originated in music notation, where it marks the beginning of a new part. In Japanese texts, it is used to mark the beginning of a new section.

How to use

This emoji can be used in a variety of contexts. Here are a few examples:

"A new chapter of my life is about to begin. 〽️"
"I love driving my Mazda around town. 〽️"


🎵: The music note emoji can also be used in a musical context, similar to the part change emoji, but it represents music and melody more generally.
🚗: The car emoji can also be used in the context of driving or cars in general, similar to the "part change" emoji when used in conjunction with Mazda.

Compared to these emoji, the "part change" emoji 〽️ is specific in its meaning and is mainly used to symbolize the beginning of a new part in music and literature, or in connection with the Mazda car brand.

Other names

The emoji is also known by the following names.

  • m
  • mcdonald’s
  • japanese
  • partial alternate character
  • punctuation

Popular name:


Emotional Classification

First, we take a look at the basic emotion, the core of the emoji's nature. Then we will look at the secondary emotions that the emoji can evoke in us.

Basic Emotions
  • Joy
  • Surprise
Secondary Emotions
  • attentive
  • encouraged
  • clear

Examples and how to use

In this section, we examine the emotional impact of emojis. We will use examples to show how emojis can evoke different emotions in the reader depending on the context.

Basic emotion example

The world turns, life goes on. 〽️🌍

Associated feelings
  • calm
  • saddened
  • thoughtful

Basic emotion example

Life is a constant up and down. 〽️🎢

Associated feelings
  • confused
  • frightened
  • surprised

Basic emotion example

Music is my lifeblood, always in rhythm. 〽️🎶

Associated feelings
  • enthusiastic
  • glad
  • in love
General Information
Unicode-NamePart Alternation Mark
Apple-NamePart Alternation Mark
Category Symbols




Keywordsjapanese, partial alternate character, punctuation
Unicode-Version Unicode 3.2
Emoji-Version Emoji 1.0