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🍾 Emoji Meaning

This emoji represents an open bottle of champagne and is often used to symbolize celebrations, special occasions or good times.

🍾 Meaning and explanation


The 🍾 emoji represents an exploding bottle of champagne, often with the cork popping off and some champagne bubbling out of the bottle.


The champagne bottle emoji is often used to represent celebrations, special occasions, and moments of success. It can also be used to convey a sense of luxury or exclusivity, as champagne is often associated with these aspects.

Origin and cultural differences

The champagne bottle emoji was introduced in 2015 as part of Unicode 8.0.

Like many other emoji, it was designed to universally and digitally represent a common human experience or symbol, in this case the celebration of special occasions.

How to use

This emoji can be used in a variety of contexts. Here are a few examples:

To symbolize a special occasion, "Happy Birthday! 🍾"
To celebrate a success or achievement: "We closed the deal! 🍾"
To represent luxury or exclusivity: "A night in the VIP lounge. 🍾"


Compared to the πŸ₯‚ (toasting champagne glasses) emoji, which is often used to symbolize drinking and celebrating with others, the 🍾 emoji is more associated with the act of celebrating or the special occasion itself, regardless of whether others are involved. It often has a slightly more luxurious or formal tone than the 🍻 (toasting beer mugs) emoji, which is more commonly used for informal or everyday gatherings and celebrations. The πŸŽ‰ (party poppers) emoji has a similar meaning related to celebrations and can often be used in similar contexts, although it is less specific to drinking alcohol or feeling luxurious.

🍾 Other names

The emoji is also known by the following names.

  • 🍾 celebration
  • 🍾 champagne
  • 🍾 sparkling wine
  • 🍾 bottle
  • 🍾 bottle with cork
  • 🍾 cork
  • 🍾 drink

Popular name:

🍾 celebration

🍾 Emotional Classification

First, we take a look at the basic emotion, the core of the emoji's nature. Then we will look at the secondary emotions that the emoji can evoke in us.

Basic Emotions
  • Surprise
  • Joy
Secondary Emotions
  • glad
  • enthusiastic
  • excited

🍾 Examples and how to use

In this section, we examine the emotional impact of emojis. We will use examples to show how emojis can evoke different emotions in the reader depending on the context.


Basic emotion example

Happy Birthday! Let the corks pop! 🍾🎈

Associated feelings
  • enthusiastic
  • glad
  • accepting

Basic emotion example

She broke the expensive 🍾. I am so angry!

Associated feelings
  • angry
  • annoyed
  • upset

Basic emotion example

We are celebrating our anniversary! 🍾

Associated feelings
  • enthusiastic
  • glad
  • in love
🍾 General Information
Unicode-NameBottle with Popping Cork
Apple-NameBottle with Popping Cork
Category Food & Drink



:champagne:, :bottle_with_popping_cork:

Keywordschampagne, bottle, bottle with cork, cork, champagne, drink
Unicode-Version Unicode 8.0
Emoji-Version Emoji 1.0